Rest in peace Liz Milne

Grid of black and white images of Liz Milne throughout the years, surrounding the words "Rest In Peace Elizabeth Milne 1951-2024"

It is with great sadness that we confirm our beloved co-founder, director and costumier extraordinaire Liz has died following her year-long battle with ovarian cancer.

Liz’s final days were spent surrounded by the love and laughter of her family. She passed away peacefully on Monday, listening to a series of Terry Pratchett audiobooks whilst her children held her hands, just as she’d hoped.

She will be remembered as a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, partner, dear friend, inspirational teacher and mentor to many. She poured her heart and soul into her work with Phoenix and loved every second of it. Even when times were tough, she was ready with a wry remark, some fierce determination and her trademark laugh was never far behind.

Her death comes a few weeks after being overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of so many people raising money to gift her a seat plaque at His Majesty’s Theatre and donating £3,158 to Friends of ANCHOR in her name. For a teacher whose entire ethos was that “every child should feel valued”, it means the world to us that Liz was able to see just how valued she was before the end.

But, as Liz would tell you, it isn’t the end. In the immortal words of Stephen Sondheim, sung by Liz herself in Phoenix Theatre’s 1993 production of Into The Woods: “Sometimes people leave you halfway through the wood. Do not let it grieve you. No one leaves for good. You are not alone. No one is alone.”